This research paper tries to examine the relationship between poverty and mental health problems. The mental health of individuals is shaped by the social, environmental and economic condition in which they are born, grow, work and age. Poverty and deprivation are key determinants of children's social and behavioral development and adult mental health. The causal role of stressful life events associated with poverty appears to be a significant risk factor in a wide range of psychological illnesses. (Poverty and mental health policy, practice and research implications by Lee Knifton and Greig Inglis BJPsych Bull. 2020 Oct; 44(5): 193-196. doi:10.1192/bjb.2020.78; file://Users/admin/Documents/Poverty%20and%20mental%20health:%20policy,%20practice%20reseach %20implications.webarchive)
Poverty and Mental Health
Psychological illnesses are multifactorial; but poverty is one of the major risk factors that affect mental health. Poverty can act as both a causal factor (e.g. stress resulting from poverty triggering depression) and a consequence of mental illness (e.g. Schizophrenic symptoms leading to decreased socio-economic status and prospects)
According to the World Bank, about 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 a day.
The 2021 Global multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): assessments aim to measure the non-income based dimensions of poverty.
Worldwide, across 109 countries and 5.9 billion people:
1) 1.3 are multidimensionally poor.
2) About half (644 million) are children under age 18.
3) Nearly 85% live in Sub-Saharan Africa (556 million) or South Asia (532 million).
4) More than 67% live in middle-income countries.
The date of day-to-day reality of life for multi-dimensionally poor people paints a grim picture:
1) 1 billion are exposed to solid cooking fuels, inadequate sanitation and substantial housing.
2) 788 million live in a household with at least one undernourished person.
3) 568 million lack improved drinking water within a 30- minute round-trip walk.
How poverty affects our mind?
When poverty hits a household, the adults in the family initially bear the brunt of the stress. Their focus will be on the immediate goals, for example food, clothing and shelter. If the deficiency turns out to be short-term, so will be the stress. But if the deprivation is chronic, the stress will repeat and will have a domino effect on everyone in the family including the children. Stress makes an individual agitated, frustrated, moody, feeling overwhelmed, angry and makes relaxing difficult, thus creating a negative energy that spills to the entire environment that surrounds him. This leads to argument and fighting in the household; these emotional symptoms repeat with the repeat of every stress linked to deprivation. This can lead to physical and emotional abuse within the family. Anxiety and depression follow this route of stress and strain.
.......... to be continued
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